Sunday, February 21, 2010
I thought it was a simple request ...
All I wanted was a picture of my two guys together. A simple request right? You would think that I would have learned by now. So, for your viewing pleasure ... how many snapshots does it take to get the perfect picture?
Answer? : I may never know!
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Life of My 2 Year Old
He'd had a long day. Such a cute kid!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Gotta love a good sport!
Ken and I had some friends over the other evening to play some games. We love playing games with these guys because they think "punishments" are as much fun as we do. You may remember our last foray with Soy Joy bars. Anyway, Mark and Jonathan were our game losers. And they were great sports, as evidenced by the pictures below. Let's admit it, the punishments are as fun as the games themselves. There is a cartoon about a little pig named Olivia. She pronounces "Rules of Life" during her show. My favorite Rule of Life (I don't remember it exactly, but you get the idea): Whatever the problem, costumes are always a good solution.