With Tyler's birth we were so fortunate to have my Mom come out and spend a month with us and then have Ken's parents and his sister and her two kids come out for 2 weeks. We weren't able to do as many exciting things while my Mom was here because I was hugely pregnant and then had a tiny baby, but we got to go out and do a few things with Ken's family. Here are some of my favorite pictures from our vistors. Thanks for coming! We loved having all of you!
Abe loved his Grandma Red, or "KaKa" as he liked to call her.
Riding on the train at Pullen Park. Abe was in shock, he loved it so much. Ever since all we hear from him is "ALL ABOARD! All aboard the choo choo train"
Ty doing what he does best ... hanging in the snugli!
Yes, a severed arm and werewolf hand. Can I say more for the toys at the Carlile home.
The cousins having a great time. Too bad no one got a picture of Grandpa in the afro wig.
Abe reading with his Grandpa.
Having fun with the trains at Marbles museum.

Abe had a blast building and racing cars. Mostly, he just held his car and watched the other kids race.

Tyler just wished we'd let him alone in the Snugli, but we couldn't resist the crab hat.
I guess he liked this hat better than the other one!
Daddy and Abe at the Duke Gardens.
Abe had a blast building and racing cars. Mostly, he just held his car and watched the other kids race.
I love Abe's laughing face caught in this picture! Just be glad you can't hear it! He inherited the Bodily laugh.
Grandmas are just plain comfortable.
I love the one with a severed arm and werewolf hand. You can't help but chuckle when you look at it.
You are way too busy for a new mom of two! Glad things are going well and Tyler's already being indoctrinated into the Carlile household.
Happy Birthday Kim! I hope you have a great day!
So fun to have family in town! I don't know too many people as great with kids as Aunt Sue. I'm sure it was wonderful to have the company. And those kids of yours are just too cute with their cousins. I love the superman shirts.
Fun Fun. Thanks for sharing everyone with us for a few days :)
I had a great time even without the going to many different places. I loved visiting Tami's house too. Miss everyone.
Wow, I can't believe how grown up he is getting. He is too cute!
You're toys are very fitting to the father (and the mother for that fact). Perfect!
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