I am very tired....and playing with Dad wears me out!!!

Since we just posted our new family pictures, instead of posting an 8 month photo for Abe, I decided to post these cute videos. You can see how good he is getting at crawling, although it is still more of an army crawl than anything else. The dolphin laugh is our favorite and we love to make him giggle for us. He's sprouted 5 top teeth this past month!!! He's also started imitating sounds, which is really fun. He is very observant and loves to watch people, especially little kids. He makes friends wherever we go, seriously the kid has more friends than I do at this point in time! He's started being very interested in eating and wants to eat everything off of our plates. He loves bread and rice and pasta. He got his first real haircut because his hair was so far down over his ears. I trimmed the sides and the back. He loves swimming and we spend a lot of time in our little pool or at our friend's neighborhood pool. He also decided to wean himself a week ago. He previously wouldn't take a bottle and one night Ken got him to take one. We were excited because we were leaving him with my sister the next day and we could stay out a little longer if we could leave a bottle for him. He happily took the bottle for Tami and hasn't nursed since. He absolutely refuses. 2 bottles and he forgets 8 months of nursing!!!! I kept trying to nurse him for about 3 days, but all he would do is bite and cry until he got a bottle. I don't know how that happened! I guess he has a mind of his own, such is life! Happy Eight Months Abey!!!!
What a funny laugh, I love the way you described it, Dolphin Laugh! 8 Months has just flown by! I can't believe how much he has grown, and with five new teeth, it might be a good thing he's done nursing, biting hurts!
8 months is such an awful.....I mean WONDERFUL age! Wish we could get the boys together! With more mobility, I think Ashton is burning more calories although he is still MILES behind Abe in the eating category!
I watched the laugh about a million times ok maybe 10 it made me laugh every time. I love the videos.
Dolphin laugh, what a perfect name! Looks like playing wore out Daddy, too. And that was much more than a military crawl! Did you end up getting a safety gate?
I am still amazed how happy abe always seems to be.
Abe really is so stinkin' cute. He just looks like the happiest baby. Just way, a year from now you will be even more impressed!
Cute blog! I need to figure out how to download video...that's so fun.
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