The time has come for another monthly birthday report! I can't believe Abe is already 9 months old! This is the month that means he has officially been out of the womb longer than he was in! We headed to the doctor this morning and here are his new stats: He weighed in at 22 lbs and 11 oz (decreasing from 90% last visit to 78%). His height was 30 inches (95%). His head was, well, the doctor very kindly put it, "Well...his head is kind of off the charts, but don't worry that is okay." The shots were terrible, as they always are and as we walked out we made our appointment for his 1 year visit!!! This past month has been one of great discovery. Crawling is second nature now. He can crawl on his hands and knees, but prefers to continue do

ing the worm and crawling with his arms and stomach. He is starting to pull himself up more and like to get up on his hands an feet with his bum flying in the air. We had to lower his crib from the baby setting. He is making lots of sounds, but our favorite is when he "vrrrrooms" as he moves his trucks around the room, we are still attempting to get a good video of that. He loves his cars and trucks and loves dinosaurs! Such a boy already. He loves other kids and watching and playing with them whenever possible. He is such a delight and brings so much joy into our home.
I can't believe it has already been that long!! I have a whole gaggle of kids for him to watch play. I think it would be worth the drive ;)
9 months already?! It has flown by! He is getting so big! What a cutie! And thanks for your sweet comments, they made my day!
I feel like we haven't seen him in so long. I can't wait to hear him vroom. sweet deals by the way!
Kim, its Tammy (Drown) Anderson. I found your blog via a link from someone else's. Your little boy is so cute! 9 months is a great age. Actually I like babies at every age. They change so much so fast that you just have to enjoy every minute. If you want to email me I’ll send you the link to my blog. Tammy underscore Anderson at q dot com.
What a cutie. I love this stage...it seems like there is new stuff happening every day. They are just discovering so much and making huge strides - fun, fun, fun!
Just think if you had been on top of it, you could already have another one by now! Better get on the ball.
How fun!! Don't worry, my kids have huge heads too. And, Addie still weighs 25 pounds, so Abe will be outweighing her in no time!
He is such a doll!
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