Don't we all just love a good surprise in the mailbox? A letter from a friend, a birthday card, an unexpected package, a free sample, a good magazine? These are all things that make me look forward to checking the mail every day, even though there are a lot of bills and junk mail mixed in with the good stuff. Abe and I went out to check the mail today. As I opened it up, I could see a letter from my pen-pal and old roommate Robyn just waiting for me! I hurriedly pulled the mail out and got a spiderweb with it. "Gross" was my first thought. Then I saw a flash of legs and another flash of red. I dropped the mail and stomped it. Luckily the spider was on a piece of junk mail and not my precious letter. I took the, now dead, spider inside to show Ken because red on a spider is never good. We are pretty sure it was a black widow trying to take residence in our mailbox. Shudder. I'm sure by tomorrow though, I will have recovered and I'll be ready to see what kind of surprise waits for me in the mailbox.

You are very, very brave. I suggest maybe you destroy your mailbox and build a new one, just to be safe.
I'm pretty sure it is illegal to put up big pictures of spiders on your blog without fare warning. I think I'll have nightmares for weeks now.
I'm glad you got it though
Glad you got it before it got you. Those are some nasty spider bites, black widows are, glad you are safe!
Yuck!! Now I am going to have the heebie jeebies all day. Maybe I will let Peter get the mail from now on.
I let my kids get the mail out of our box (because they like to do it, not so that they can get the spider out :) I will have to send you something fun so that you can look forward to getting the mail again.
Very scary. I forgot to wish you a happy birthday. I'm glad your day went well.
COOOOOL! (Gross, but cool). I use gmail, so no bugs for me. You must be using Yahoo mail or Hotmail.
Scary! Maybe putting black widows in mailboxes is the new anthrax scare.
Yeah, ive heard hotmail has a bunch of creepy bugs (even though technically a spider isnta bug)
YUCKY!!! You know how I feel about spiders. I would never be able to get the mail again. Remember when we had to call over to Chad and Randy's to kill that dumb spider on our ceiling. I think you were the brave one that finally got it.
ahhh like thats so cool!
That reminds me of a time many years ago when we were driving in your old, black Rodeo(I can't remember what type of car it was) in Logan and all of the sudden you started screaming and jumping up and down in the driver's seat, with the car going crazy. When you were able to pull over we jumped out and said that there was huge spider down by your feet! Good times, good times!
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