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I know everyone is going to be sick of posts about our little guy, but when you have such cute kids you can't help but take a million pictures! I've had a lot of requests for more details, so here is a little more about his birth. I went into labor (after running up and down the stairs 20x) around 11:15 PM on Sunday night. I wasn't sure I was really in labor because it wasn't that painful and it was very different from my experience with Abe. Finally after an hour, Ken convinced me to call the doctor and he told me to go ahead and go to the hospital to be checked. Tami came to pick up Abe and then we headed out. We were laughing and joking the whole way and I was very convinced that they would send me right back home. I wouldn't even let Ken drop me off, I just had him park and we walked in. It was around 1:30 when they took me in and hooked me up to all the machines. At this point I am really still not in pain and sure they'll send me home. The nurse was going to check to see how dialated I was and told me that she'd wait until my contraction ended so I was more comfortable, the funny thing being I didn't even know I was having a contraction! I was dialated to a 5 and 90% effaced, so my nurse said she'd send in the IV nurse. At this point I surprisingly asked her, "You mean I'm not going home?" She reassured me that I was having my baby that day. My response, "Hallelujah!" My doctor broke my water and I had 2 or 3 strong contractions before my epidural. A little after 5 I began to push and at 5:53 Tyler was born. What a miracle. His first name, Tyler, comes from a very good childhood friend of mine that passed away when I was 8. His middle name, Asahel (pronounced Ace - elle), is Ken's maternal grandfather. We came home from the hospital yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon and are beginning our life as a family of 4. It has been really nice to have my mom here and for Ken to have time off work (he gets a week of paternity leave now and another week when his parents come). Abe still loves Tyler and is constantly giving him hugs and kisses. Tyler is having some trouble adjusting to nursing, but he is a very calm and laid back baby. We are so grateful to have our healthy, beautiful baby boy.
A little smile.
My handsome boys!
Madi & Aunt Tami come to visit!
Getting ready to go home!
Bringing Tyler inside for the first time.
There is no such thing as to many pics of a new baby! Keep them coming.
PS I hate people that can't feel labor.
Agreed with mom at our house. New baby pictures are the best, and your kids are so cute, I doubt anyone will get sick of them real soon :)
ps-you don't look like you just had a baby. No fair. :)
Kim, you look great. Ken looks like a proud papa. Kids are adorable. Labor sounds like best possible scenario. Congrats again, can't wait to see them all!
I didn't realize that you had named your Tyler after the Tyler from your childhood. What a good name. He is adorable and you look great! Keep the baby pictures coming!
We are so happy for you. Two sweet boys. Love the pictures. So glad the labor was not too difficult. Congratulations
Marta And Dave
Thanks for the name explanations. Tyler really is so cute. I hope you are adjusting well and getting sleep. Like everyone else, I too think you look great. Do you kind of wish you would have not gotten and epidural? I sometimes wonder if I could handle it and I am not as luck as you. I feel all the pain.
He really is the sweetest baby! I love to hold and snuggle him!
Congratulations! We're excited for you guys. Good luck with all the adjustments!
The Reeses
cute baby!
Yea! Congrats...he is so cute and you look great. Good luck with all the recovery stuff; I'll be thinking of ya!
What an adorable little guy. We are so happy and excited for you both! It was very thoughtful of Tyler to come a little early. Good surprise for you and now he'll be even older and more ready to be independent while we cruise! Good boy!
Hope you all are doing well and adjusting to a home with 4. We are quite fond of the number.
Congrats and love from the Porters!
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