Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Abraham's Art

Lately Abraham has been very interested in art. For a long time he didn't want to draw or color, but now he'll spend time every day drawing pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. He drew this first one at church. It was a picture of his lesson. He obviously got a few points wrong since it was supposed to be Jesus being baptized and the Holy Ghost descending as a dove, but I thought it wasn't too bad. I transcribed exactly what he told me. 
Here's the picture without the words blocking it:

This one is a race track. He named all his cars. 

 Again, here it is without the words. 
This one is a flower. Here's the story. He'd had kind of a grumpy day and I was pretty frustrated with him. I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and he brought me this picture. He said he wanted to cheer me up and every time he picked me a flower it would die, so he wanted me to have a flower that would never die. Now how cute is that? It makes me super happy to see him interested in art and I really hope he gained his artistic abilities from his Father and not me!!


Charlotte said...

My kids would never play with toys, but always spend hours and hours coloring. It is a great pastime.

Adam, Jaci, Grant, Grace and Amelia said...

He melts my heart! He is so cute and so blasted smart! I love the art work. I especially love that he included a scorpion and a few starfish. Too cute!