Friday, November 14, 2008

Polly want a Cracker?

Lately we've started calling Abe our little parrot because he has become such a good imitator. I am constantly surprised at the things I see him imitate Ken and I do. It is pretty funny. He gets so smart and big each day. We had potato soup at Tami and Jared's the other day and Abe loved it. When his bowl was empty, I set it on his tray to show him it was empty. This was what he immediately did with it. Now, I don't know who he's seen do this behavior, but I reiterate it was at Tami's house this first happened.


andrea said...

hehe. That's cute.

Brenda said...

that is cute, but keep trying to get video of him imitating you!

Charlotte said...

Bowl licking good! Is it bad if all my kids do that?

Boyer Family said...

I have to get you back for teaching my kids to butt drop!

Tucker Mom said...

What is butt drop? I always lick my bowls clean if it is good stuff but he couldn't have learned it from me unless it is in his genes.

Shalise said...

Cute! Crazy how fast they pick stuff up! The other day I was driving and yelled 'dude' at a guy who slammed on his brakes. From the back seat I heard Em echo 'dude' only higher...I was glad I didn't say something meaner!